The one and only... Anjan Dutt
A self-proclaimed protégé of Bob Dylan, Anjan Dutt's music blends heavy influences of Blues, Bluegrass and Country music with a theme of theatrical realism. His music gives voice to the middle-class Bengalis and their dreams, aspirations, their fulfillments and failures. He can be credited with giving rise to a new generation of urban Calcutta youth who learned to thrive and prosper in the wistful mediocrities of lost or unrequited love, temporary unemployment, broken of dreams, hearts, hearths or even the first kiss or the first swig of rum.
His songs portray in various capacities the three basic emotions of love, anger and hurt. He paints a tableau of good times and bad, of broken dreams, unrequited love, cold hallucinations, betrayals and urban cynicisms, but also of moments of the simple joys of life. Be it the story of the ‘Mizo Boy’ who leaves his guitar and takes to the gun, or that of ‘Haripada’ who has failed to get out of his same old monotonous life- Anjan Dutt’s songs are a celebration of life.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are truly excited and fortunate that we will have amidst us a living legend – Anjan Dutt and we hope that you will join us in a celebration of his artistry and genius! Video Segments
Kolkata 16 |
Saturday, July 27, 2013
7:00 PM
Clark Center, UT Dallas, Richardson.
902 Drive A
The University of Texas at Dallas
Richardson, TX 75080
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