The Voices of Youth!
Who are the VoYagers? To learn about them, please click here.
Current Fundraising Drives
Please help the VoYagers with their Durga Puja Fund Raising efforts and the VNA Holiday Gift Project:

Durga Puja Fund Raising
The VoYagers have traditionally dedicated themselves to major fund-raising activities during the Durga Pujas, and this year will not be an exception! Last year, they raised over $5,000, all of which went to various charity organizations (see list above).
This year, the VoYagers have planned the following:
- SNACKS SALE: Handmade Fish Chops, Samosa and, back by popular demand, Gourmet coffee, as well as other snack items (subject to availability)
- RAFFLE and AUCTION of GIVE AND TAKE items (each valued over $115), such as:
- iPad Mini
- Dallas Mavericks tickets
- Custom photography session by Local Artist, Michael Savoie of The Savoie Gallery in Bishop Arts
- Various gastronomical treats
- Beauty packages
- Indo-western designer kurti with accessories
Be a LUCKY WINNER at our raffle! This year, among the prizes are gift certificates to popular restaurants, Ayuveda Spa and Yoga, and many more surprise items.
Bring cash or checks to take home great gifts from the auction or raffle. All proceeds go to charity.
VNA Holiday Gift Project
Also during the Pujas, the VoYagers will kick-start the VNA Holiday Project! In this project, they will collect donated Personal Care (Toiletry) items; the beneficiaries of this charitable drive include the VNA Meal on Wheels Clients and Hospice Patients. Our teens earn valuable community service hours through this project!
The VoYagers are soliciting full-sized Personal Care (Toiletry) items for their drive. Our volunteers will sort and wrap these items, and deliver them to onsite locations. Please bring as many of these items to the Durga Puja as you would like to donate.